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04May22: Day 2 - There’s cold, chilly cold and cold cold!


Updated: Oct 2, 2023

We slept well despite the very firm mattresses and woke feeling refreshed. If we hadn’t felt refreshed when we woke up we certainly were refreshed once we opened the balcony doors to greet the lovely sunny blue skies and the very cold ‘moderate’ breeze. It wasn’t just chilly cold, it was cold cold.

Of course that created the next dilemma. What to wear on a day with a ‘moderate’ cold breeze? Ok, admittedly we were only going down for breakfast but to get from our room to the breakfast room we had to face walking through ‘windy alley’ where the wind comes at you head on. A regroup was necessary. We would have preferred to regroup alongside the fireplace wearing our complimentary slippers, which according to the hotel website is what we would find in our rooms, but despite hunting high and low for said fireplace and slippers we realised we were not in a room type that afforded such luxuries so we plumped to regroup on our chaise-tongue…oops, predictive text, should be chaise-longue, which surprisingly, we do have. We had to give ourselves a severe talking to. Come on M&A, we need to get-a-grip and stop being such wimps…..and with that we wrapped ourselves in the warmest summer clothes we could find and shivered our way down to breakfast!

There’s a jetty opposite the hotel where they serve breakfast and although it’s outdoors it’s enclosed by windows so we sat there and enjoyed a very nice all you can eat buffet breakfast. Fed and watered we made our way back to our sound-proofed room, another website detail about the room, although we can hear people a) walking around their room in their high heels b) moving chairs c) dropping things d) banging doors and e) ringing doorbells. Honestly, no kidding, all our rooms are fitted with a doorbell! I wouldn’t mind, but who’s going to ring on our doorbell other than Dave, Betty or Carol? You’re not going to believe this. The doorbell has just rung. We looked at each other to determine who was going to answer it. By the time I went to the door and opened it, no-one was there! How strange! We packed our beach bags and headed off to find a cafe with the following very important criteria……a) comfy chairs b) in the sun and c) sheltered from the wind. We turned left out of the hotel and walked all the way along the promenade to the other end of the town beach where we eventually found a lovely cafe right opposite the beach and soon warmed up in the sun with a lovely cold frappe!

The beach was full of sun-beds that were all the same make and colour which we thought was unusual. Normally we’d find sun-beds attached to a taverna which are free if you have lunch there but apparently the sun-beds here are owned by the local authority. The waiter told us they were free at the moment as they were still waiting to hire staff. However, no sooner had we found the ideal spot and sat down on our sun-beds, a lady came along and charged us €8 for the day. Typical! Apparently its their first day!

Oh, how wonderful it was just relaxing on our sun-beds, feeling the sun on our bodies, listening to the sea gently lapping at the edge of the shore and then battling with the wind every time we moved! Ah well, it was soon lunch time and we popped over to the same cafe and ordered a Greek salad and Mythos beer. Oh how we have missed these lunches. It was perfect.

The wind chill factor really set in after lunch so having regrouped around our sun-beds we packed up and headed back to the hotel, stopping at the local mini-market to purchase some very important items……water and local wine.

After enjoying a few glasses of our very cheap local wine, which incidentally is absolutely delicious, we got ready to go for supper. It was so cold and windy outside we needed to dress accordingly, so we put together our warmest clothes and headed on out in search of a taverna that could offer a) warmth b) was out of the wind and c) had a good vibe. We finally ended up in a taverna with no one in it except us!!!!! Not to worry, we enjoyed our meze and grilled calamari washed down with half a giraffe of local wine (take note of the half!) and were given a small bottle of raki, cake, banana and strawberries on the house. It was all very lovely, except for the raki of which we downed just a small shot!

Back at the hotel we decided to have ‘one for the road’ and ended up at the Sky Bar, chatting to Harry, the Greek barman. We asked him what the peninsula was to the left of the hotel and he said ‘see those lights over there, that’s a very nice taverna. And see that yellow dot further on from there? That’s a very nice cafe where you can get a frappe. And fifteen minutes walk from the cafe is a beach where it’s not windy because it’s on the other side of the peninsula’. ‘Great’ we said. ‘Tomorrow is sorted. We’ll go there and have a wind-less day tomorrow’!

And on that note, at 11.30pm, a late night for us I might add, we made our way back to our room looking forward to our day out tomorrow. Kαληνύχτα

M&A xx

©️ Go with the flow Travels with M&A
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