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Cyprus: Day 5 – 17.11.19......Yeh baby, we’re feeling groovy!


Updated: Feb 29, 2020

We’d like to welcome Pearl to the first ‘real day’ of being 50 and what better way to celebrate than dressing up in 60’s gear, her being a baby of 1969, and going to watch the sun setting over the sea. Of course a lot can happen between waking up in the morning and when we finally arrived at the restaurant........!

Firstly a big ‘shout out’ must go to Mark for paying the drinks bill last night, very generous of him considering the amount of alcoholic beverage that was consumed.....and also a big ‘shout out’ to all of us for celebrating Pearls birthday in style.....nobody does it better (there’s a song there somewhere).

Maice woke this morning with a new ailment......a pulled muscle in her back, and hobbled down to the kitchen for a double dose of Nurofen and Codeine in the hope she would be more upright by the time we all met later that day. Apparently it occurred whilst busting a dance move the night before and obviously it wasn’t just the dance she busted! Thankfully no-one had suffered any hangovers and it was a day that we could all do whatever we wanted. Maice and I wanted a Frappe and breakfast out so we set off down ‘the strip’ to Chic-Chocs. Well, imagine our surprise and disappointment to find it was closed. Now we were in a dilemma, where to go now? We ended up walking to a cafe we’d spotted on the outskirts of the resort and settled for two frappes and two was quite sophisticated......just like us and very mo-Greek (modern). We thought we’d do a spot of shopping on the walk back as Maice was looking for the tackiest fridge magnet for the magnetic wall at work and managed to find one in one of the two shops that were open. We bumped into the rest of the group who were sat in the Renegades bar having their breakfast, a full English at the bargain price of €2.95 and then we made it home for a session on the sunbeds. Pearl texted us to say a ‘hot Cypriot guy’ with ‘big guns’ was heading to our villa to change a lightbulb in the en-suite so naturally us girlies made ourselves look delectable on our sunbeds. Of course he wasn’t a patch on Mark who delighted us all the other day with cleaning the pool in his kilt, and not much else, opening a can of drink and swigging it back whilst holding onto the pool cleaning pole. Have to say it was a most hilarious sketch. Anyway, I digress. So, hot Cypriot guy changes the lightbulb telling us he had to pinch one from the villa next door who are now probably in the dark!

At two o'clock Maice announced it was time for a wheatable. No-one actually knew what a wheatable was and after the fourth time asking her to speak very slowly and clearly and to break` down what she was really trying to say was ‘hey girlies, I think it’s time for a wee tipple’! Who needs predictive text when Maice can do it for you!

We needed to be out by 4pm so by three o’clock it was a hive of activity in the villa as we all started to glam ourselves in sixties attire. A lot of back-combing was going on, some, it’s got to be said were more successful than others..........!

It was great fun dressing up and when we were all ready we posed for a ‘photo shoot’ around the pool whilst waiting for the others to join us. They all looked fabulous and with that we made our way to the taxi rank.

We were off to Porto Antico, a bar-restaurant about 5km away that GTO (Grant the Oracle) had told us about when he and Irene had gone exploring one day. It has some good reviews and thankfully it didn’t disappoint. We caused quite a stir when we arrived and made our entrance to a round of applause from some and others who started taking photos of us. Oh what it’s like to be famous! Food and drinks were ordered, we watched the sun go down and then by 5pm it was pitch black and had turned quite cool. Honestly it seemed more like 10pm it was that dark. The waiters brought out the big gas heaters and placed one between me and Maice, then they wrapped two lovely fluffy blankets round us......the others got nothing. So we did what anyone else would do in these circumstances, we gave Irene and Dianne our very thin cardigans and we snuggled back into our blankets.

Our friend Jon, back in Dorset, who knows Pearl and Mark, having spent Italian Night with them at the Horse with the Red Umbrella, sent a What’s app to say Happy Birthday to Pearl who reciprocated by wanting to FaceTime him to say hello. My phone had died in the process and no-one else had enough battery to call so we commandeered Maice’s mobile who seemed to have the only bit of battery left out of the group....I think he was surprised to see and hear us all especially in our 60’s regalia!

It was a lovely evening topped off with a) a lovely coffee liqueur courtesy of the house and b) other diners came up to us to say how great we all looked. Robert, our taxi-man collected us and next thing we know is we’re sitting in The Renegade bar, moving furniture around to accommodate us and enjoying some more alcoholic beverage. Can you believe this......we were home by 10pm.

As you can tell its been another great day........and looking forward to many more!

Night all…..

MMADPIGSA xxxxxxxx



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