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Afitos: Day 4 - 05.09.17……………….We always have chips and egg on Tuesday!


We are now in a routine; get up, breakfast, pack beach-bags and head off to the beach to see 'Rock'. Weather looking good with a few clouds on the horizon, but hey clouds are good to cool you down. Frappes ordered and we're nicely settled into another day on our sunbeds. An hour later and the small cloud that Maice thought would pass over within minutes in fact turns into a very big black cloud with a few raindrops being emitted ........not to worry, it would pass, we thought. Only it didn't pass and we had to make a quick dash to, and to take refuge at the tavern further down the beach.

We ordered lunch and half a giraffe of wine, borrowed a pen from Mr Miserable the Waiter, got the cactus out (meant to be 'cards' but that's predictive text for you) and continued our rummy tournament whilst watching the torrential downpour. A while later having finished our food but still drinking our wine and playing rummy Mr Miserable comes over and said that as we had finished our food we should leave! Well, we were quite taken aback, nay, astounded by this request, we still had half of our wine to drink and in all the years we've been coming to Greece we have never experienced this before. We felt quite insulted. Thankfully the rain had subsided so we drank up, paid the bill and on the way out I spoke to the lady at the till and vented my frustration. Suffice to say it will most definitely be going on Tripadvisor. Needing to mitigate this terrible experience, which is now in the 'Control Dartboard' as I kept muttering about it all the way up the 200 plus steps, we went off in search of a friendly and welcoming establishment and came across 'The Cafe' where we received a very warm welcome and when we produced our deck of cards we were told we could stay all afternoon. What a nice man!

After a couple of glasses of wine and numerous hands of rummy we made our way home to get ready for our 'Meet & Greet' at P&D’s hotel. They weren't arriving until 11pm so we went out for supper sporting our cardigans as the temperature had dropped. No expense spared for supper, we ate a crepe washed down with a glass of water all for the sum of €5....what a bargain!

Armed with our torches and welcome gift of a gallon of local wine and a bag of crisps, we set off down the long and dark winding road towards Petrino Suites Hotel where P&D were staying and were treated to a spectacular lightening light show that completely lit up the sky. It was amazing and very unexpected.

Arriving an hour before they did and just before the torrential rain and thunder started we took shelter in the hotels undercover outdoor lounge with a bottle of wine and waited for their arrival. It was a real humdiger of a storm and we did feel a tad sorry for them but then they're used to it really, having left Zante last year in an almighty thunder storm. It really was a bit of a deja-vu moment!

They finally arrived at 11.15pm and we sat and enjoyed our wine plus the wine we'd bought them until it was time for bed. When the rain had stopped we walked back down the long and winding road and got back to our hotel about 1pm. It had been a long day, but we thoroughly enjoyed it apart from Mr Miserable, but he's now in the Control Dartboard, so good riddance to him.

Καλή νύχτα and we'll be hoping for lots of☀️ tomorrow




©️ Go with the flow Travels with M&A
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