We had a plan. We were going to go to the coffee shop for coffee and use their WiFi as ours here at the apartment is so slow, then we’re going to do an hours worth of shopping to get the essentials; for me a bikini, shorts and hat, for Maice, a hat and yoga top. We’d go up one side of the high street, down the other, then we’re going to Four Mile beach to sunbathe and have a swim in order to acclimatise for our boat trip tomorrow to the Great Barrier Reef.
We’d just ordered and paid for coffee when Maice asked for the WiFi code. They didn’t have WiFi. Trust us to go to the only coffee shop that doesn’t have it. Not to worry, we enjoyed our cappuccinos and then went off to do a spot of shopping. It was now 10.00am so we were on schedule. To say we went into every shop along the high-street is an understatement. We tried on clothes in most shops but with no success. Then after a few hours I finally bought something, a backpack with a side compartment for my water bottle. Then we went to the shop next door and I bought a really nice necklace. In the art shop we both liked these beautiful Mimih Spirit sticks which we would have loved to have bought but with the cheapest being $590 we decided against it. We continued on in the searing heat, it was 34 degrees today and very humid, but our quest to purchase what we’d come shopping for drove us on. Actually it drove us down to the harbour where we stopped for a well earned refreshing ‘Tunnel 10’ Australian beer. It wasn’t cheap but you know what, it was just what we needed. And it was here in the harbour arcade that Maice finally acquired a hat which is very ‘on-trend’ and it really suits her, even though it is bright pink!
We retreated back up to the shops again trying on more clothes but to no avail, when at last Maice found a yoga top and a pair of very nice spotty green trousers and then I actually found a bikini I really liked (I’ve never paid that much for a bikini before but it is nice and I did win £20 on the postcode lottery). I also bought a pair of gorgeous very wide-legged trousers, I know they weren’t on the list but I did win £20 on the postcode lottery and I didn’t buy any shorts or a hat so really, I have saved some money!
By now it was 4.30pm in the afternoon. We couldn’t quite believe it had taken us all day to walk up and down a short high-street and we still haven’t made it to Four Mile beach yet. We’re going to have to do that on Saturday now. We needed a drink, coffee, tea, alcohol, we didn’t mind, just somewhere that had WiFi. We ended up in the Bookshop Cafe where we ordered iced tea and coffee and managed to connect to the server. We’re actually really excited as we‘ve managed to book ourselves another trip when we’re in Sydney. Yes folks, we’re going Kayaking in Sydney harbour, oh such fun. I’m sure you can tell that this is one of Maice’s bright ideas however I’m sure we’ll both have a thoroughly enjoyable time. Anyway, there we were sat outside the cafe with our drinks when they start to close up and start taking all the chairs and tables inside until there was just us two outside and a lot of space. The waitress didn’t even say anything like ‘we’re closing shortly but you carry on with your drinks’, she just ignored us, so in the end we got up and walked away. Apart from this incidence, we are very taken with the customer service in all the shops. Everyone welcomes you into their shop but they don’t pressurise you into buying anything which we like.
Exhausted after our unexpected mammoth shopping expedition we made our way back to the apartment. Our poor feet, legs and backs were aching after so much ‘slow walking’ and now we had to endure the Day 9 Yoga Challenge and whereas yesterday’s challenge was nice and relaxing, todays was a real killer! After yoga I rang Johns cousin Paul who lives in Cairns. Unfortunately due to commitments and our excursions we’re not able to meet up, so Johns Knobs that he gave us to give to his cousin have had a very long journey and won’t now reach their final destination. We could eat them ourselves when we have another in-fresco evening but we don’t want to break our teeth... we’ve already suffered with prickly heat, sore eyes, mosquito bites and a bad blister on Maice’s foot. I think that’s enough ailments for one holiday!
Can you believe that we actually ate out tonight. We stopped off at the Bottle Shop (an off-licence) for a bottle of wine which we took with us to the Thai Restaurant where you can BYO (bring your own). It was one of the best meals we’ve had so far and absolutely delicious. FYI, here in Australia you can’t purchase alcohol in the supermarkets like you can at home, you have to buy it from the Bottle Shops which are a bit like in the UK back in the old days when you had to go to the ‘Offie’ to get your alcohol.
We were stuffed after our meal so went for a walk along the high street to walk it off. If we sat a test we’d probably be able to tell you exactly what shop was where and what it sold having spent to much time here today. I wouldn’t mind, neither of us like shopping that much, honest! Thankfully on this walk along the high street the shops were closed although today they did open specially until 7pm. We think it’s to do with Christmas and the shops and cafes and bars have started to put up their decorations. Thankfully, Christmas here is all very low key, not in your face like it is in the U.K.
After our after supper stroll we were back home by 9pm. We’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow so, bags prepared, clothes sorted, alarms set. It’s going to be a very hot day out on the Great Barrier Reef.....let’s just hope we don’t add sunburn to our list of ailments!
A&M xx