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Santorini: Day 5 – 06.09.14……….A big fat Greek Wedding. Yes, we’re off to a wedding!


This holiday Angela has been suffering with a dodgy eye, has developed a rash on her lower legs from walking in the heat, was coming down with a cold and suffering with an itchy roof of the mouth and to top it all she suddenly became engulfed with restless legs syndrome and didn’t sleep a wink last night. A sharp stab in the arm made her cry out, thinking that she’d been bitten by something. The room was silent, there was no response from the body sleeping soundly in the next bed. Sometime later, just as she was finally starting to doze off to sleep, Maice let out an almighty verbal diatribe at the top of her voice at which point Angela shot out of bed, heart racing ten to the dozen and asked if Maice too had been bittten. There was no response…..all that could be heard from Maice was the gentle murmur of someone sound asleep. Poor Angela, she never did get a good nights sleep!

A day of rest and relaxation was called for after our activity day yesterday. We rose about 7am with slight sore throats, from the air-conditioning no doubt. Note to selves…..keep the air-con on low during the night.

After slathering our bodies with suncream we headed down the twenty five steps to the breakfast room. We came to the conclusion that we needed to vary our morning menus today, Maice by adding two olives to her plate and Angela by having a hard-boiled egg. After our exciting breakfast we grabbed our beach bags and headed off to find some sunbeds only to realise it was only 8.30am! Our time-keeping seems to be rather off-kilter today.

Now, where were we going to lay our towels and sunbathe today was the question we posed to ourselves. Bellini’s, where we enjoyed that wonderful bottle of wine on our first day was our first choice so off we walked to the other end of the promenade only to be informed after we’d laid out our towels and settled ourselves in that sunbeds would cost €9 even if we had drinks and lunch. Our unwritten rule is not to pay for sunbeds so we repacked our beach bags and walked all the way back to the Splash bar, selected our sunbeds, ordered two frappes and chilled out. We were both feeling rather lethargic from yesterday’s busy activity day and thankful for a day of rest, which I’m sure had nothing to do with the heat, the two large beers, the G&T’s on the balcony or the bottle of wine consumed over supper! We managed to drag ourselves to the bar area where we fuelled up on Greek salad before making our way back to our sunbeds for another well deserved rest.

At 4pm we decided we’d had enough and headed back to our hotel to ensure we had enough time to do a bit of blogging and enjoy a couple of rounds of rummy before heading off to the theatre. The next big decision was what to wear? A pre-outing G&T should help us decide. All dolled-up and ready to go we headed for the door only for Maice to decide she needed to change outfits, so after a quick change we made our way to the bus stop and before we knew it we were in Fira at the pick-up point, waiting for someone from the White Theatre Company to walk us to the theatre. Our pick up eventually arrived and walked us through the narrow cobbled streets of Fira to the White Door Theatre where, funnily enough, we entered through a white door! Well, all we can say about the Greek Wedding Show experience is that it was absolutely superb. We were introduced to the characters in their various ‘rooms’ in the house, watched the wedding, then made our way to the taverna where we were part of the congregation, all this inside the theatre. The theatre company had really done well to make it authentic……it was funny, poignant, lots of singing and dancing and it really is a must for anyone visiting Santorini. A small theatre company with a winning play, it was great.

We were in really high spirits when got the bus home, singing all the way back to the hotel. We can honestly say, it was a wonderful way to end our lovely day.

Καλή νύχτα ….

M&A xx



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