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Santorini: Day 6 – 07.09.14……..Busy doing nothing, as usual!


Those that predict the weather said it would rain today but the day dawned sunny and bright with a scattering of white fluffy clouds. Angela was hoping the day would be a good one as she’d had a pretty bad night, what with her bunged up nostrils and restless legs.

Still feeling the effects from our mammoth walk a few days earlier we decided to spend a quiet day on the sunbeds and chose to spend the day at our usual spot at the Splash Bar. The frappes were ordered, our bodies laid out looking quite resplendent on our sunbeds (wishful thinking) and a restful day lay before us. A handful of clouds wandered aimlessly across the sky throughout the day, jostling for position in front of the sun, but for us girls, this was a welcome respite against the heat of the day.

After a busy morning of doing absolutely nothing we made our way up the wooden walkway to the bar to partake if a spot of lunch. Deciding to break from routine we ordered the Santorini Salad, a Mythos beer for Maice and a Metaxa 5* for Angela in the hope it would help eradicate the cold she had unfortunately developed. After lunch it was back on the sunbeds where we spent a leisurely afternoon topping up our tans.

After such an exhausting day spent at the beach we followed this up with our usual G&T’s on the balcony and continued our game of rummy. Maice seemed to have an unfair advantage over Angela in that she wasn’t suffering the cold symptoms that had obviously affected Angelas performance and she stormed ahead with a whopping 300 point lead.

For supper this evening we opted for cheap and cheerful and for just €16 we enjoyed a couple of crepes and a glass of wine…….what a bargain! And that was it, we promenaded ourselves back to the hotel eager for an early night and a good nights sleep in anticipation for the big adventure planned for the next day!

Good night…..

M&A xx



©️ Go with the flow Travels with M&A
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