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Santorini: Day 8 – 09.09.14………….Camera shy airplanes! Whatever next!


Exhaustion had well and truly set in after our epic ‘flat’ coastal walk the day before so after breakfast, which consisted of the usual yoghurt, bread and cheese with a smattering of surly looks from other breakfasters, we made our way down to the Splash Bar for a well-deserved quiet day on the beach. Arriving just after 9am we were in luck as two sunbeds closest to the waters edge were free so we rushed down and commandeered them for the day. Eagerly looking forward to our usual frappe, we waited, and waited for the waiter but he didn’t appear. Well, where was he, we wondered. Angela was sent to investigate his whereabouts and found him texting on his mobile so after apologising profusely for interrupting him, the order was made and the frappes delivered.

It was a very blustery day, which some holidaymakers would have disliked but for us it was ideal sunbathing conditions. Being buffeted by the constant breeze was bliss and although we had to hang onto our belongings for dear life we were well and truly enjoying the day. As a non-activity day we quietly read or watched the planes fly overhead as they came into land at the airport. We even decided to take photos of the planes, they were flying so low over our sunbeds. An easy enough task one would have thought, but no, it was easier said than done. As we all know, planes are very large objects and some would say, hard to miss. But miss we did and it didn’t matter how many times we tried to take a photo, if just wasn’t there in the photo. Angelas photos were full of fingers and thumbs as she tried to get to grips with the camera facility on her iPad and Maices photos, the photographer out of the two of us were rather abstract, of pebbles, stones, bits of sky and cloud……but no planes! Eventually after three hours of numerous failed attempts, we gave up trying to take photos…..after all there’s always tomorrow!

It was when we sat down for lunch that we remembered we were having a no-alcohol day which was most unfortunate as were both were gasping for a beer but we’d taken the sisterhood pledge and resorted to a very exciting coca-cola and a bottle of water. Back on the beach, a huge cloud hugged the sun making it rather chilly so at 4pm, very reluctantly we left the beach.

Back at the hotel it was change over day and we were eager to meet our new neighbours. The new occupants of number 35 were a couple who didn’t seem too happy or friendly but we put that down to a long day travelling and hoped they’d be friendlier the following day.

Playing rummy on the balcony without a G&T just wasn’t right. Water, we deduced, would never take the place of alcohol. After a tense game, won by Angela which made us even on four wins each but Maice still in the lead overall we headed off to Bacchus Taverna before going to the cinema. Apparently in her repping days, Angela and her fellow Reps used to frequent Bacchus and knew the owner Dimitri and used to enjoy his food but unfortunately they weren’t too enamoured with the food on this occasion. The saving grace was the beautiful full moon which was rising through the sky and glowing resplendent in its reddy orangey haze. Rather etheral we thought.

After paying the bill we rushed off to Kamari’s outdoor cinema and found ourselves a seat. Maice drew the short straw and ended up in the queue for the bar. She joined the queue at 8.50pm and returned to her seat at 9.20pm in which time Angela found herself fighting off three Greek teenagers with attitude who wanted Maices seat. Talking of Maice, where was she. Surely she couldn’t be standing in the queue for the bar all this time, particularly as all we wanted was two bottles of water! Thirty minutes later a rather bemused Maice took her seat and vowed that if we returned to the cinema another evening a) it was going to be Angelas turn to go to the bar or b) we would bring our own drinks with us!

The outdoor cinema is lovely, nestling cozily in amongst the shrubs and trees under the moon and stars and a wonderful selection of forties and jazz music was playing to further enhance the ambience. The film we had come to watch was a comedy called Sex Tape with Cameron Diaz. Well, what a great film that was, it was a hilariously funny, laugh out loud film and we’ve never laughed so much. Brilliant. After the film we returned to our hotel, tired but in high spirits after a thoroughly enjoyable day eight.

Good night and see you all tomorrow…..

M&A xx



©️ Go with the flow Travels with M&A
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