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Twas’ the day after Boxing Day and the weather was……


Today we thought we’d spice things up a little and do something we’ve not yet done on this holiday.  Yoga!  Usually when we’re away this always forms part of our early morning routine but what with Maice being poorly she’s not been up for it but, hurrah, she’s on the mend so today is the day, it’s yoga mats at dawn and off we go. Admittedly I could have got on with it myself but felt I needed to show allegiance to Maice you know, which is why I didn’t do it on my own!

But, first things first. We took Winston out for his early morning ablutions, holding onto him for dear life in case he blew away, it was that windy with severe gusts gusting every now and then. We made our hot lemon water then we took to our yoga mats for a fifteen minute ‘yoga for digestion’ session with Adrienne after which we continued our workout with two five minutes sessions with Lucy Wyndham Read.  Gosh, how good did we feel after that exercise session.

We all hopped onto bed where I continued with the ‘blog what a wrote’, Maice continued with her admin, sorting out her damaged luggage claim form as her suitcase was damaged on her return from Canada and Winston nestled himself in between the pair of us and went off to sleep. As usual I checked the weather app to see what the weather had in store for us today although Maice did say it was easier to look out of the window!

Maice took over the helm in the kitchen and assumed the role of chief breakfast chef and rustled up a Maice style bubble and squeak containing cheese, tomatoes and left over veggie sausages and mashed potato and very scrummy it was too, complete with a side order of cheese on toast with cheddar and blue cheese topped with sliced tomatoes…yes, this was no ordinary cheese on toast this was Maice’s succulent, very cheesy, cheese on toast!

We used the last of our dishwasher tablets in the dishwasher then proceeded to don all our wet weather gear; wellies, waterproof jackets, waterproof trousers and hats, for not only was it very, very windy it was also raining, just for a change! Winston failed in his attempt to scurry off and blend into the background and was forcibly dressed in his very fetching little red water resistant but cosy number and with all three of us suited and booted out we went, with a most reluctant Winston on the end of the lead. Despite continually trying to slink back to the cottage he was literally frogmarched around the village. We followed the local village map and leant a few things about the history of the village on our walk round and ended up back at the village stores when we ordered two cappuccinos to go, purchased 6 fresh eggs and more toilet rolls…..honestly those Medjoul dates are certainly good for loosening up the digestive system!  We were extremely wet and muddy when we got back but fortunately Winston only needed a rub down rather than a dip in the sink and with that he took himself off to the safety of his bean-bag.

Meanwhile, we changed out of our wet-weather gear, enjoyed our cappuccinos and took ourselves into the dining room aka the ‘art-studio’ where we began to create our new masterpiece; a canvas of Mr Brainwash’s ‘Follow your Dreams’….painting by numbers.  We have to report that after two hours spent pouring over the canvas painting in the numbers we didn’t seem to make much progress.  In hindsight we should have started it the first night we got here but it was a Christmas present and we didn’t open it until Christmas Day.  Of course we should also have started it that evening, but we didn’t so when we’ll get to finish it is anyone’s guess.  It’s very intricate and there are so many numbers and so many little tiny areas to paint it’s going to take us months!  We eventually exchanged our painting-by-numbers for the TV and watched  another Agatha Christie movie, Evil under the sun after which we FaceTimed our friend Susan for an update on her and Andrew’s Christmas shenanigans.

We took Winston out for a quick walk, came back and prepared our supper.  We were really looking forward to this, Gnocchi, with Franca’s superb home-made tomato sauce with a side of garlic bread. Omg, it was absolutely so delicious, what a lovely meal that was. After supper, and to continue what seems to be our Agatha Christie-fest we sat down to watch the two-parter BBC drama Murder is Easy. Fortunately the second part is on tomorrow night, our last night so we won’t have to wait long to see the conclusion.

After a final trip out with Winston to carry out his final ablutions we made our way home and went straight to our beds.  Despite the weather it’s been another lovely day and the weather hasn’t put us off doing things.  It would be nice though if the weather tomorrow, our last day here at Yew Tree Cottage was less windy, not raining and maybe a bit sunny.  Now, let me see what the weather app forecasts for tomorrow……!

Night all…M, A and Sir Winston xxx


©️ Go with the flow Travels with M&A
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