We’d been invited round to Helen’s, Maice’s neighbour for pre-Christmas holiday drinks and nibbles. With Prosecco and Mulled wine on offer it would have been rude not to accept the invitation and even though Maice was suffering with the lurgy, you know head cold, runny nose, headache, cough she valiantly made it round to Number 2 where we found Nikki, glass in hand, lounged upon the sofa. We spent a pleasant evening chatting and listening to the old Christmas classics on the Spotify and even attempted to sing along but seems like all four of us only know the first line to most of them and what we did know turned into a cats chorus! Somehow we don’t think any of us will be auditioning for the Rock Choir anytime soon!

It had been a busy run-up to Christmas for both of us…… we’d been to at least twelve meals between us over the last three weeks which as you can imagine has been rather costly so we were looking forward to getting away for the week and just chilling.
Last year we seem to have gone overboard with the food and drinks shopping so we gave ourselves strict instructions to only purchase what was on the list, not to deviate and not to be distracted by fancy packaging. As it was, we took ourselves off to Lidl and Sainsbury’s (other supermarkets were available) and shopped. We emerged with six bottles of Prosecco, three bottles of red wine, a bottle of Viognier, a large bottle of Port, a bottle of Baileys and some food to go with it. Of course, we still needed to purchase the perishables such as our fruit and veg and bakery items the day before we leave, but other than that I think we did pretty well. Let’s just say we won’t starve or go thirsty.
Whilst at Sainsbury’s we popped over to the petrol station to fill up with petrol then deviated to the BP garage to pump the tyres up. Of course we could have pumped them up whilst we were at Sainsbury’s but we preferred the layout of the BP forecourt. We always find this ritual to be a two woman job…..one takes off the caps and monitors the tyre pressure whilst the other pumps the tyres up. It was whilst we were engaged in this ritual that we noticed one of the tyres was a tad flat which is most unusual considering Maice had recently had the car MOT’d and they were all fine then. Note to selves……..must keep an eye on the back tyre!!
Back at Maice’s, we unloaded all the shopping into her kitchen, my word, we seemed to have purchased rather a lot of food and drink and we still weren’t finished! Fingers crossed everything would fit into the car the next day, what with our luggage, coats, food and a Sir Winston and all his ‘stuff’ it may be a tight squeeze! Ah well, all would become apparent in the morning…….
As we had a busy day ahead of us we wished Helen and Nikki a Merry Christmas and left Helen’s soiree at 8.10pm. We were taking Maice’s car, it being the biggest and all that was needed was for her to pack it up and come pick me up the next day. Couldn’t be simpler!

On that note, it’s goodnight from me, and a snotty goodnight from Maice!
M&A xx
You two have a wonderful Christmas…..it’s starting well!